Friday, February 26, 2016

CT Step 57 - Let me be attentive today. – Journal – CT Step 56

Today:  CT Step 57 - Let me be attentive today. (MP3)

Let me be attentive today. CT Step 57
Every day as you venture into the world, you have an opportunity to look carefully and to learn new things. Without looking, you simply recycle your old thoughts. This is what most people do to spend their entire lives, learning very little along the way. But you have an opportunity to make this day a special one, to be very attentive to where you are and to what you are doing, to listen carefully to people, to listen for the signs of Knowledge and to be aware of the lack of Knowledge in the conversations in which you are engaged and the conversations that you overhear. Watch carefully, but without condemnation. You are not here to pass judgment but to find out where Knowledge is present and where Knowledge is absent. This is your practice for today.

In addition to your long practice in stillness and your hourly practice in awareness and discernment, practice knowing where you are and being attentive. So many mistakes are made because people are not being attentive. There are so many errors in judgment and so many things missed because people are not present. When they are not present, they are preoccupied with other things. When you are preoccupied, you do not see and feel what is happening. You are minimally aware. As a result, you cannot perceive. You are not sensitive to the situation. It is not important here to be sensitive to every situation, but to pay special attention to your conversations with people. Listen for Knowledge. If you do not hear Knowledge, just take note of that. No further judgment is required.

The man or woman of Knowledge who listens for Knowledge looks for the evidence of Spirit. Where Spirit is lacking, they are not harshly critical. They are cautious and discrete. Let this be your practice today.

Practice 57:    One 30-minute stillness practice.
                         Contemplation practice.
                         Hourly practice.

Picture:  Denver International Airport - TSA security queue. Waiting at various points as we travel, long or short trips, are opportunities to be attentive.

Yesterday:  CT Step 56 - REVIEW

Points from note cards

50– …if you do not know your purpose or your greater reality, then you will think of your body as a prison and you will exercise your self-abuse by misusing your body. … We seek to correct this destructive attitude by reminding you that the body is an instrument for communication and contribution. It must be maintained with a high degree of health and vitality for this purpose. …

51 –  … It may take you a long, long time to find your real work and a much longer time for it to support you financially. … Your real work resides in the Mystery because if you were to discover your real work before you were able to do it, it would be a great tragedy for you, a great failure.

52 – My spiritual advancement will fail if my other Pillars are not built.

53 – The Greater Community is a greater reality. And it is overshadowing everything that you are doing today and everything that you will do tomorrow.

54 – The Fire of Knowledge is burning within me now. … This Fire is what gives you vitality, creates life force within you and gives you the energy, the commitment and the enthusiasm to carry out greater things in life. … this is the fire of light, the fire that does not burn but that consumes all that is false and unreal. You need this fire. It is the source of your vitality… power …

55 – There are forces in the world which I must comprehend. … If these forces were not in the world, the world would be a place of Knowledge and would be totally unrecognizable from what you see today. …

56 – Review … The mind seeks a master. … Knowledge … is the real master.

From the journal:

8:20 a.m. Saturday, October 20, 2001 –
***– Region – a constellation of communities

– Dreamt of a conference that led to more discussion/work for small communities – in pews – a church.

This is a review day. Yesterday's topic – "forces" – tides it seemed like this morning, I was pulled and pushed by tides of food, entertainment, guilt, – external planets – moons – come into view and pull or push the internal time. – Werewolves – our behavior pulled by moons whose influence we've come under. Astrological forces?

In spite of how much better I can use my time without the burden of the PDC – it still bothers me that – I couldn't do it all – and messed up.

Step 56 – Review – text – "The mind seeks a master. That is one of the reasons why people give themselves to other authority figures because they do not know of Knowledge, who is the real master. Your mind as the servant is magnificent. Your mind without anything to serve is pathetic".

To serve Knowledge is a choice. There are other self established authorities around the world/the universe. The need for authority in life can be fulfilled by these other self-created authorities.

Some are in alignment with Knowledge, some are not. Freedom – is a sign of alignment? Yes

As for me and my house, we serve the Lord. (Align with Knowledge)

10 a.m. Saturday stew – Cindy using the new vacuum. Me listening to the C-SPAN tape of last night – the speaker saying that the Middle East problem is due to state failure on the economic fronts, schools teaching what they know rather than what is needed. And so…the issues of development are constant throughout the world.

Primary/secondary education – teaching the known higher ed – and lifelong learning pushing into the unknown. Future Focus.

Integrating these ideas and applying them regionally – is the challenge – the role I'm drawn to – to make sense of the complexity created by the simple/primary thoughts.

10:50 a.m. Dealing with light in my study Blocking/reflecting.

11:19 a.m. Begin Review –
A prayer – Nasi Novare Coram – that my teachers be with me. I sense…forces that are more with Knowledge than without. Today's task is order.

World without end, Amen.

C-SPAN/C-SPAN-2 is a great resource to my mind which seeks expression of Knowledge through the hearts of others in their words of wisdom to the world. I've got to make my "study" more comfortable.

11:50 a.m. Re-did monitor – scrolling marquee

> Goal – develop expertise in regional community development.

12:07 p.m. – Too many goals, not enough Indians.

12:10 p.m. All my relations – database. The PDC database is a relationship database based on position. The RC relationship to the person in that position stays the same – or you'd hope so – regardless of the individual. The outlook/traditional contact databases are for salesman/constituents only. When new people come to positions you offer them info – a welcoming letter.

4:24 p.m. Afternoon gone – again I begin to start the review.

4:37 p.m. Step 50 – reviewed – taking care of the body…a great challenge mentally. Watching C-SPAN about the Kennewick man, 9,500 years old – skeleton – age 45 – had many, many injuries in his life – how easy is my life by comparison.

Step 51 – "My work is an expression of my life". Ironic this should be the step on my 55th birthday. I need to power up so that I'm an able body for K.

6:12 p.m. Review complete. After 7 years – age 62 – I may be ready for the Mental Environment Steps. This start – better late than never. I'm amazed by people like Art Collins who’ve treated their bodies as temples for years. It isn't a new idea – but is rarely expressed.

4 pillars –
R. – Y – Let go.
W. –Y – Order/focus, pacing
H. –Y – Consumption
S. –Y – UU – deliver.

The Continuation Training is working us pretty hard. Much to consider. The only thing one can do is follow the Steps; do one’s best to do the work. We continue.


Note: If you’ve some interest, but this is the first time you’ve seen Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. Begin at the beginning.

If you do know about Steps, but have not done Steps twice completely, read the related materials, and have a sense of the direction of this study, you won’t get the experience. The Introduction begins:

“This is the Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training. It is designed to build upon the Steps that were learned in Steps to Knowledge to enable you to experience the grace, the power and the direction of Knowledge in your life and to become an expression of Knowledge in everything that you do. If you have completed the book, Steps to Knowledge, twice through and have followed the instructions as they were given without altering the curriculum in any way, then you are now ready to begin this more advanced study”.

If you are an independent student, that is certainly an option. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.

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