Saturday, October 10, 2015

x2 Step 283 - The world is ambivalent, but I am not. – Journal – Step 282

Today:  Step 283 - The world is ambivalent, but I am not. (MP3)

The world is ambivalent, but I am not. Step 283

LOOK ABOUT YOU IN THE WORLD and you will see that the world of humanity is lost in its own ambivalence. It wishes to have this and wishes to go there. It wants to keep everything it has acquired and lose nothing, and yet it wants more than it needs. It is confused as to its predicament. It is confused as to the remedy. It is confused as to its identity. It is confused as to what to value and what not to value. All arguments and debates, all conflicts and all wars are engaged in exercising this ambivalence.

AS YOU ABIDE WITH KNOWLEDGE, you will look upon the world and recognize its utter confusion. This will teach you and remind you of the great need for Knowledge in the world. Knowledge will never attack itself, and Knowledge is not in conflict with itself. Therefore, two individuals, or two nations, or even two worlds, will have no issues of contention if they are guided by Knowledge, for Knowledge will always seek to join individuals in a meaningful way and to clarify their interactions with one another. It is not possible that Knowledge be in conflict with itself, for there is no opposition within Knowledge. It has one purpose and one aim, and to this it organizes all activity. It organizes all forms of opposition into serving one purpose and one direction. Thus, it is the great peacemaker in the world. As you abide with Knowledge, you will become the vehicle for its expression. Then, you will teach peace because peace itself will be teaching through you.

LOOKING AT KNOWLEDGE LIKE THIS will enable you to recognize your true involvement and your true responsibility as a student of Knowledge. The world is in ambivalence. It is in confusion and is suffering all of the results of this. But you who are now learning to witness the world without judgment or condemnation and are learning to witness the world from the certainty of Knowledge will be able to simply recognize the predicament of the world and know that you are carrying the remedy within yourself now.

IN YOUR DEEPER PRACTICES ENTER INTO STILLNESS ONCE AGAIN and use the RAHN word if necessary to help you. Because you are learning to be still, you are learning to be certain. Any individual who can acquire stillness in the world will become a source of Knowledge in the world, for Knowledge will express itself in the world wherever there is an opening in any mind. Your mind is now becoming open so that Knowledge may express itself.

PRACTICE 283: Two 30-minute practice periods.

May 28, 2001 – Boulder, Colorado

5:41 a.m. Nasi Novare Coram –
– on waking – Global Humanity
Humanity global – Global is local –

My local planet – Our local planet
          Relationship Chains

Tribal societies to a Global humanity

– and then there was one world.

– bipolar localism –| the world operates in sub local regions

– Time to be us –
Our World Our Planet

Move from rugged individualism to - World mind –
– A foolish planet and its wealth are soon separated.
Humanity needs to see itself as one – then it can evolve a governance structure.
Where are you from? Earth –
– Humans – we fought when we did not know we were brothers and sisters.
– Our planet wisdom
Goals for planetary functionality
go from my backyard to our planet
to the ET's – we are lab rats
– two reasons for the shift to local planet
– external threat of GC
– internal maintenance of our diversity
My Heaven is where I am
once again –
– ACIM – sounds good – it just doesn't work –
it is our biology which unites us – religions can't do that
Mothers Against Alien Abductions
– the protocols have to be established for alien contact
– all must register –
– comply with airspace
– they may have more tech, but this is our planet
– we must figure out how to deal with advanced civilizations
– looking at our own history, tribal/indigenous cultures could not deal with Europeans – who were more organized, tech advanced
– We are not seen as peers to those that come here –
 → all human governmental boundaries are arbitrary
for human scale – travel/tech reasons, locale was established – had a smaller scale than the earth systems
the planning timescale is too small – too short – need 1,000 years –
– religion will not unite –
– Belief system competition – 
– humanity must not sell its birthright
being loyal to humanity, is not being disloyal to your culture
– humanization is the answer to globalization –
– don't fence me – don't planet me in.
– We the people, in order to form a more perfect humanity – declaration of humanity
– behaving as if all life were sacred.
– the new integration – local planet
– sub planet regions – governance, now that we have the communication and transportation, can match better hydrologic systems, current bioregional patterns
continuous rebalancing of the bio-systems – movement of predators into other areas creates imbalance. Diseases are planetary threats –
– Atlas cooperated> community and privacy
What is our earth – space – boundaries inclusive of the moon –

10:07 a.m. Regional is a subset of local – there is no local/whole that is singular>

10:20 a.m. 5/28/01 [Workshop Journal]

Marshall – check-in –
Me – thanks to all
listening to the teachers helps – (tapes)

looked at all 4 pillars – must be balanced
antidote to eccentricity, self-indulgence
Steps 2K – 1st practice –
building up internal experience, sharing –
Statement – "Knowledge is found in your life not your mind".
– pray for Knowledge to be strong and others
– responding from Knowledge is strength to strength
> musical talent as part of health –
Yoga – 28 day exercise plan> Richard Hittleman
receive, process, integrate, build –

"Re Treana Carvedan Ceton Iy"
Receive the Heart of God through your Spiritual Family that is joined about you.

The Greater Community Book of Insights

"We make ourselves public that you may know our Presence and know that there is a Master Plan. It is this Plan that you must now become aware of, for until you do, your life is aimless, without certain purpose, with only your errors to teach you". [Now page 2 “Secrets of Heaven”]

Society – student supported (a labor of love)

> steady monthly contributions
         > need pledges >
> give something that is meaningful to you –

Now 31 friends, a year ago 19 –

Continuation Training – after S2K – twice

– Level II – incorporates 4 pillars
do until natural and instinctive
Study group –
– gather around the fire –
– study group guidelines –

2:14 p.m. On the bus to the airport – not a place to write.
Tribal Society to Global Society
local territory to Local planet

3:09 p.m. At Denver International Airport – my briefcase was at the US Airways counter – I'm thankful, relieved –
it would not have ended my life – just wasted time, and I'm thankful it didn’t.

8:42 p.m. E.D.T. Still in the air. No energy for HTML. I've reviewed all writing – it is cryptic/duplicative – but the essence of what came.

I must sit with it, be open – check it against my path before and after. I will need to contribute to the Society as a member. How much? Don't know – $10o to $75 to $50 –>
I'll decide in a few days –

I need to evaluate RI and Center for Regional Communities

10:57 p.m. Enroute to the Reagan National Airport from Pittsburgh. Review my annual plan as of May – some changes due to insight. I've just reviewed the RI book outline. It is still valid – so where am I? A backlog of projects.
I had a really good a.m. discussion with Harry Jordan – an architect – about what it meant to me now – my integration –
– The New Integration: Local Planet Humanity
God is the only Comprehensive Plan or – that has been confirmed.

Tom Christoffel – December 16, 1981

So… Now… How do I move through the world? S2K zombie? Man in K (as Men in Black) – the perfect Ninja?
Check 97 – reaction to Marshall; 98 – reaction to Patricia –
Join Society.>

An eventful trip to Boulder for my first workshop ends this day. Many pages of cryptic thoughts, reduced here from the original 18. I want to join “The Society”. It will be possible to contribute, but that can’t be joined.

Having begun working as a planner in 1973, I had many years to contemplate what that was. It was December 16, 1981 that I concluded and wrote on an index card: “God is the only comprehensive planner”. At this point, I’d been a single parent for a year – very busy and praying often for help in my life. The New Message confirms that God has a Master Plan.

That is comforting for me, but life itself is no easier. The plan is dynamic, so we know the direction, but not the twists and turns, failures and restarts, useful/ unuseful circumstances. Still, we must continue, but let us willingly decide to continue.


Note: If you’ve some interest due to this or other Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. You can use the posts on this blog as a companion if it helps. They will remain in order in the archives - one post per Step.

Often it takes 18 months to get through the Steps once. For this blog, the pace is one-a-day, but it really makes no difference how fast you do it, only that you begin, persist and repeat. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.

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