Tuesday, June 9, 2015

x2 Step 160 - The world is poor, but I am not. – Journal – Step 159

Today: Step 160 - The world is poor, but I am not. (MP3)
“The world is poor, but I am not.” Step 160
THE WORLD IS POOR, BUT YOU ARE NOT POOR. Regardless of your circumstances, this is true because you are reclaiming the wealth of Knowledge. Understand, then, the meaning of impoverishment. Understand, then, the meaning of wealth. Do not think that those who possess more objects than you are in any way wealthier than you are, for without Knowledge they are impoverished and will acquire things only to offset their misery and uncertainty. Thus, their impoverishment is compounded by their acquisition.

THE WORLD IS POOR, BUT YOU ARE NOT, for you have brought Knowledge with you into the world where Knowledge has been forgotten and denied. Thus, in the reclamation of your own wealth, the world will reclaim its wealth as well, for you shall stimulate Knowledge in all, and their wealth will begin to reveal itself in your presence and in the presence of Knowledge which guides you.

THEREFORE, DO NOT ASK ANYTHING OF THE WORLD save what few material things you need to fulfill your function. This is a small request in light of what you have come to give. And if your demands are not in excess of what you need, the world will gladly render them to you in exchange for a greater gift which you possess.

CONSIDER THE IDEA FOR THE DAY UPON EACH HOUR. Do not let any hour pass without this recognition. Strengthen your resolution to use each practice in all circumstances of the day so that your life may be meaningful in all of its events. In your two longer practice periods today, enter into stillness and peace to learn more of the wealth that you possess.

PRACTICE 160: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Today’s practice says: “In your two longer practice periods today, enter into stillness and peace to learn more of the wealth that you possess.” In time, this becomes a practice that can be done whenever needed. Sometimes it will occur spontaneously.

It is not too difficult to find a picture that shows part of the world being “poor”. This is a building along a railroad line in Italy near Milan. The rails look new, but this perhaps old station building is on the decline and showing graffiti which is very common in urban environments; that a sign of poverty as well when people deface their own environment. Understanding the poverty and wealth of the world is what will be an outcome for Steps students.

January 25, 2001 – Thursday

Regional Intelligence Times –
– an e-letter – sent from e-groups?
– All free – news, email distribution – from e-groups –
Agenda – Regional Intelligence Manifesto – like Cluetrain?
All Gaul is divided into 3 parts.
– Localities are very afraid of regional – anything that changes their illusion of local empowerment.
> Can't organize "too much" – simplify – have less, organizing easier. Growth requires things go out the door.

Growth fragments the soul – ?
Practice #2 – Late
11:28 p.m. "The poor cannot give. I am not poor." Do I give enough? Do I give the right things? The right way?

Short entry. I am working on the idea of a newsletter. It won’t begin until November 11, 2003 as Regional Community News. Idea to implementation does take time.


Note: If you’ve some interest due to this or other Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. You can use the posts on this blog as a companion if it helps. They will remain in order in the archives - one post per Step.

Often it takes 18 months to get through the Steps once. For this blog, the pace is one-a-day, but it really makes no difference how fast you do it, only that you begin, persist and repeat. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.

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