Sunday, November 22, 2015

x2 Step 326 - The Greater Community is something I can feel but cannot understand. – Journal – Step 325

Today:  Step 326 - The Greater Community is something I can feel but cannot understand. (MP3)
The Greater Community is something I can feel but cannot understand. Step 326

HOW CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THE GREATER COMMUNITY when you can barely understand the community in which you live, let alone the nation in which you live and the world in which you live? Here you must only understand that there is a Greater Community and that it is a larger context in which life expresses itself. As humanity attempts to become one community and as you attempt to become one person instead of many people, you will realize that you emerge into the world as a larger person and the world emerges into the Greater Community as a larger community. Here all individuality seeks community, for in community it finds its true expression, its true contribution and its true role. This is as true for you as it is for the world.

YOU CAN FEEL THIS. It is so evident. You can know this, for this idea is born of Knowledge. Don’t burden yourself with trying to understand all of this, for understanding is not necessary here. Only know and feel the reality of this. As you do this, your understanding will grow naturally. It will not be born of your own fantasy or idealism, but instead will be born of Knowledge and experience. Thus, it will abide with you, serve you and make your life more real and effective.

REMEMBER THAT YOU WILL UNDERSTAND AS YOU PROCEED, for understanding is born of hindsight and true application. Have confidence, then, that your understanding will grow as your participation grows. You need not understand the universe, but you do need to experience it. You need to feel it within yourself and around you. You need to see yourself as one person, you need to see your world as one community and you need to see your universe as a Greater Community that, within a larger sphere of participation, is attempting to unify itself as well. Thus, Knowledge works in all arenas and at all levels of participation—within each person, within each community, within each world, between each world and within the universe as a whole. That is why Knowledge is so great and why, though you receive it within yourself, it is far greater than you can conceive of.

THUS IT IS THAT NOW YOU MAY EXPERIENCE the Greater Community and not separate yourself in attempting to understand it. Understanding comes through participation. Remind yourself of today’s idea upon the hour and in your two deeper practice periods, attempt once again to think actively what this lesson means. Apply it to your experience. Apply it to your perception of the world. Recognize those thoughts that are for it and those that are against it. Recognize the inspiration and hope that this gives you and recognize the anxieties that may be aroused. Take inventory of your thoughts and experiences concerning today’s idea, but do not judge it, for it emanates from Knowledge. It is meant to free you from the disability of your own imagination. It is meant to free you and the world as well.

TODAY UTILIZE YOUR MIND AND YOUR BODY to become a student of Knowledge. In this, you will learn to comprehend the meaning of yourself, your world and the Greater Community of Worlds.

PRACTICE 326: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

This Step painted a picture that was recorded on the margin of the page.

The new Heaven & New earth” it says on the bottom. Above, the GC [Greater Community] calls to gaia /logos “come join us” and the earth responds “OK – be patient”.

The Greater Community is not the new Heaven. We’ll be given some hints as to the location of heaven in future studies.

Earth is the same, but what makes it “New” is the understanding that it is located in the Greater Community of Worlds, where cooperation exists on another level compared to what most now know. To remain free in this environment and not be managed by external forces, awareness and resolve are needed.

From the journal

7:30 a.m. Tuesday, July 10, 2001

Step 325 – The world is emerging into the Greater Community of Worlds. Therefore, I must be attentive.

Practice #1 – take notes of your thoughts for and against it; anxieties; to understand that within yourself which supports your advancement and that which denies it. Look with true objectivity to understand why the world is in conflict. This will teach you how you must learn to work in the world.

The term "Greater Community" appealed to me after working 25 years with fragmented communities. The path to unity for me emerged early and I've worked. I was attracted to GC for tools and have found them. I understand the conflict, but am tired.

Unity – perceiving yourself as part of a Unit – local unit, regional unit,

– a unit of measure –

– earth/planet – the ultimate geographic unit –

– I Know I must learn to work in the world. The debris of personal, family, employment conflict gets in my way – it numbs me and causes me to seek to escape.

People believe that commerce will save him. Or, they look for romantic love or sex to save them. Stories present that is true.

11:32 p.m. Practice #2 – A good work day – … NVRC and speaking to the Lions Club about the Regional Water Authority. Then there's the kids – Sarah and detox – David on his way here – M.E. will sell the house… David and Jamie to split – she's better off without him financially. David says Evan charged $100,000 on credit cards – the world is emerging into the GC of worlds.

I am preoccupied with my own concerns of the children? I'm burned out and helpless.

– Unity – unit – the region as a unit of analysis – becomes a unit for cooperation.

– < I lose contact with myself if I reenter imagination or fantasy>

– On TV – unwinding from the day – I watch a VH1 special on Jimi Hendrix. His talent – his work on unity could be seen. The bands on the run – a unified band against one that is not. Then NASCAR – the unity of team effort – Where is fantasy?

The work the real stars do – earns, ultimately that high position. I'll not be a musician, but I can be a planner – and work for unifying perspective with seamless boundaries.

Women – attractive, intelligent, sexy – that is fantasy –

Cindy – nit picky – attention seeking – OK, but why?

The trip today – good – Black Elk Speaks on the way in and globalization on the way out.

The GC calls to Earth humanity to unite and participate in the GC.

A conflict for me is, in a global shared society I might have fewer physical resources and be more reliant upon the state.

The challenge of becoming cooperative without becoming collective.

This whole exercise made me include "unit" in my analysis. It is a scale thing again.
Unit – unity – community.

What within me supports my advancement and denies it?


Much ground gets covered. Lives full of issues which need resolution somehow. Let us continue.


Note: If you’ve some interest due to this or other Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. You can use the posts on this blog as a companion if it helps. They will remain in order in the archives - one post per Step.

Often it takes 18 months to get through the Steps once. For this blog, the pace is one-a-day, but it really makes no difference how fast you do it, only that you begin, persist and repeat. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.

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