Friday, January 15, 2016

CT Step 15 - Let me look towards the Greater Community to understand where my life is going. – Journal – CT Step 14

Today:  CT Step 15 - Let me look towards the Greater Community to understand where my life is going. (MP3) – Journal – CT Step 14

Let me look towards the Greater Community to understand where my life is going. CT Step 15

Again you return to the bigger picture of your life, for it is within the bigger picture that you will see yourself in a complete way. Here you will see yourself in relation to the world, to other people, and to the movement of all life. This practice is added amidst your other practices where you are learning to focus on your inner life and on you outer involvement with people. Here you practice at every level, simultaneously. Here you are brought into the minute aspects of your life and into the greater aspects of your life, for they are all related and go together. In this way, your awareness is built at many levels at once, but in such a way that they are all united.

Today, spend time thinking of the meaning of the Greater Community for you. Recall what you have read in Greater Community Spirituality and in the Books of Wisdom. Return again to this greater threshold. Look about in the world and see how few people are aware of life around them, how preoccupied they are with their individual endeavors and personal concerns or conflicts. See how much they are missing and how much you are missing. Give this your attention today in addition to your one practice in stillness and in your hourly practice in awareness and discernment.

You are part of a Greater Community. You are emerging into a Greater Community. You are learning Knowledge from the Greater Community. Be visionary today and see beyond the normal parameters of your life. Just look. If you continue looking, you will see. If you can see, you will know.

Practice 15:    One 30-minute stillness practice.
                          Contemplation practice.
                          Hourly practice.

Pictures:  Above is the view looking out, instead of up from this location, the The Reichstag observation deck, Berlin, Germany on June 2, 2008.

The process of taking notes as part of the Steps review, begun the second time through Steps, continued on with this training. Index cards met the need of writing something important down shortly after it was recognized. This was taught in my college studies as a key for any person intending to be a writer. Here’s a picture - 

First CT Review – Points from note cards

 1 – Knowledge is with me, but where am I? … Look beyond the obvious and you will see deeper things. Make this connection that you must become close to Knowledge and stay close to Knowledge in your journey in the world. In this way, you will be able to receive its grace, its wisdom and its certainty.

 2 – The gift of Knowledge is given you today. Abide in its stillness. Receive its certainty. Share in its total commitment to life. Rejoice in the reprieve that it gives you from the conflicts and the horrors of the world.

 3 – I must be patient in order to proceed. … what is patience but relieving yourself of your own frantic pursuits to enjoy the luxury of stillness and the depths of true understanding. At first, this will seem difficult, for your mind is racing here and racing there and trying to solve this and trying to establish that. But as you become quiet, you become more receptive and more in harmony with your deeper nature.

 4 –To serve the world, you must understand it. You must understand its beauty, its conflict and its fundamental predicaments. … See yourself as part of the bigger picture … to give something in the world with other people.

 5 – I must find my true relationships in order to know my direction. … People believe that they are weak and so they look for other powers in the universe to guide them and to protect them. But here you are learning The Way of Knowledge, which is the way of true initiation. For this you will need strong companions. And they must become strong for you and you must become strong for them.

 6 – My mind is here to serve Knowledge. … True harmony within yourself means that your mind is serving your Spirit and your body is serving your mind. … today value your mind, but recognize that it must serve a Greater Power … Knowledge will direct you to those people that you are to serve and who can serve you.

 7 – The difficulties I see in the world today are the opportunities for me to develop discernment. … There is great conflict in the world. This cannot be denied. Yet it must be understood clearly. … For in your relationship with the world, conflict is something that must be faced. If you can do this, it will give you courage and self-determination.

 8 – There is a greater harmony in the world. You bring this harmony into the world by being close to Knowledge. There is no deception. There is no dishonesty. There is no avoidance.

 9 – The Greater Community is in the world.

10 – I will forgive my past today. … All true contributors have suffered and can now use their own suffering to help others, to free others and to educate others. Their past now becomes a resource for giving, a reinforcement for the truth rather than a denial of the truth.

11 – I will remember those who have given to me. … The past must be a record of gratitude if it is to have any meaning or value at all, and today we learn to seek and to find that gratitude.

12 – Being happy is the natural result of being aligned with Knowledge within yourself … If you are to be a force for good in the world, then everything about your life must be in harmony. … the Four Pillars of your life are in an essential balance.

13 – I give myself to my practice today. … Here you participate in the world like your Creator, who uses everything for a greater purpose.

14 – Review. Begin to see where you were present and where you were not present. See how things influenced you, and how you influenced them.

From the journal:  CT Step 14 - REVIEW

9:55 a.m. Saturday, September 8, 2001. Slept late. Very tired. What is taking energy how to be? Emotional attachment to Sarah? There is so much I need/want to do in terms of writing to promote cooperation – For 95% of the world or more, it is very mundane…

11:43 a.m. Review – Steps 1 – 13 – I am overwhelmed by what is flowing to me. My life is more than full – because I see, feel, experience so much. Getting that out – the difficulty – makes me feel as though I'm autistic – unable to communicate. I need others to open to my perspective – and invest a little. The outcome is inevitable, or perhaps not – humanity could remain divided.
4 Pillars Review
1. Relationships – Yes – prayer –
2. Career – Yes – Work
3. Health – Yes – Coffee – ok
4. Spirit – Yes – Chips

3:07 p.m. Just got done talking to Dad. I called to tell Mom about Sarah, but she was out with Penny. Dad and I had a long conversation. I talked to him about love as our purpose in the world. It is another case where I should have been taping because I said things I didn't know I would say. I told him about how I saw him – losing control of our bodies – our inability to communicate as we age – what happened to Grandpa and Grandma Christoffel. It happens, I said to young people as well – Michael and Sarah – unable to communicate in this world.

I told him he was losing more and more his control over his body and that he'd go to a home, but there wouldn't be someone like Mom who knew how to help him move. He would have to help make that decision – to allow Mom to be free and not blamed by Diane and Penny.

I said our lives – Mom, Dad and I were connected differently than those of Penny & Diane, because I've been with them from the start.

He said when it came for me to go to college he didn't have much. I told him, as I recognized it, that it was the Germans – the migration to Wisconsin of the Christoffels and the other families that valued education and made a University System that made the extension available. It was the Rotary loans that made my Junior & Senior years possible.

It was our greater community of German culture moving to the USA that did it. I said the Rotary loans help…and that's what counted.

7:25 p.m. Still needing to do the review. I was extremely tired. Decided to meditate. Couldn't do well inside, went out on the porch. The white cat was at the water dish. It has been coming close to the house, watching me as I mow. Is it a sign – moving from great cats to white cats? Outside I felt better – then the need to touch the grass. I thought about laying in it, then just touching the ground with my feet. I moved now to the edge of the porch – bare feet in the grass…connecting. Seeing myself doing tai chi – barefoot, backyard – again – to that earth connection.

Mom will call – after Dad is in bed I'm sure. I'll watch the race. Cindy is out with Ruth. She is my true partner – at least becoming so more.

Mo S… accepted the GCS & Steps books as gifts. I may not hear from him again. I planted the seed. That is what counts.

1:13 p.m. In the Review – "How can I serve life? Are these journals the Dead Sea scrolls? –
Answer: "Life, Knowledge will show me".

12:58 a.m. Sunday, September 9, 2001 – Review complete.

1:33 a.m. Yes…late to bed again – but I am experiencing the benefit to others of my praying for the emergence of Knowledge in their lives – for their own meaning, purpose and direction. I see that the outcomes are better and I pray more, for others as well.

As the Continuation Training progresses, I am becoming a more serious student. More thought, more writing, more fatigue in my life dealing with everything going on. Your experience can be more or less, but giving this amount of time does make one a more serious student.

I remind you that you need not read all of my stuff – you may be writing your own in even greater volume. The part of my experience here is just a companion journey that other students might reference, should you need another viewpoint. We continue.
Note: If you’ve some interest, but this is the first time you’ve seen Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. Begin at the beginning.

If you do know about Steps, but have not done Steps twice completely, read the related materials, and have a sense of the direction of this study, you won’t get the experience. The Introduction begins:

“This is the Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training. It is designed to build upon the Steps that were learned in Steps to Knowledge to enable you to experience the grace, the power and the direction of Knowledge in your life and to become an expression of Knowledge in everything that you do. If you have completed the book, Steps to Knowledge, twice through and have followed the instructions as they were given without altering the curriculum in any way, then you are now ready to begin this more advanced study”.

If you are an independent student, that is certainly an option. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.

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