Thursday, March 19, 2015

x2 Step 78 – Journal Step 77 - Review

Today: Step 78 - I can do nothing alone. (MP3)

Greetings All –

From the journal Step 77 - Review

9:29 a.m. Saturday, November 4, 2000 –

Where am I? As of November 1 – "Regions" is my license plate. My sixth sense: I see regions. I am 54 – @ 56 is my next 7 year phase. In the next year I will complete my second exercise of the Steps. By 10/16/2002 I will have transitioned the PDC. I will be 10 years to 2012 – the next spiritual time benchmark. I have the goal to be an expert on regions. My mission is to make this scale of cooperation visible.

I have several challenges on the way. One is to stay in body and keep the body healthy. The second is to have a safe and supported environment to do my work and bring the message forward. Third is to maintain my family relationships and support the children in their journey to stability, even as I do that. At this point, most of my relationships are good – and I am aware of political enemies that I've accumulated. I am also aware that my PDC pals don't know the role I played and I can’t expect them to understand. I would like to be honored, but that is human need…and I'm not likely to get it.

The planning district geography can be used in many ways. It should be used to create regional community – make the region local. This vision has taken years to emerge. My human goal is to avoid pain and ridicule – and deprivation.

I remain somewhat unfocused and open. Maybe there is something better, which means easier, is what I think about.

I must write, I have many ideas. I must create the study environment in which I have the time and space to do so.

1:16 p.m. The long practice #77 –

What qualities aid in my preparation: need, desire, experience, spiritual nature, [Regional intelligence is a direction in which humanity must go – is going.]

Step 71 – compared to 9/26/99 – when I first did this Step, my personal horizon for my work has expanded – yet relaxed.

What qualities make my preparation more difficult: indolence, desires for food, escape, fatigue, lack of strength & discipline, trying to do too much.

"With Knowledge your expectations will be in harmony with the nature of another. With Knowledge you will learn how to serve and you will forget how to condemn."

I am open to help in pursuing my work. I seek to find my partners. I must balance my family relationships. I am open…

Here are the index card highlights of the week:

A lot is going on. This is the second time through Steps. Have I scratched the surface of Steps? No – long way to that point; questioning all the way.


Note: If you’ve some interest due to this or other Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. You can use the posts on this blog as a companion if it helps. They will remain in order in the archives - one post per Step.

Often it takes 18 months to get through the Steps once. For this blog, the pace is one-a-day, but it really makes no difference how fast you do it, only that you begin, persist and repeat. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.

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