Friday, January 2, 2015

x2 (2nd Time) ~ Step 2 - Journal Step 1 – I am without Knowledge now.

Step 2 - Knowledge is with me. Where am I? (MP3) [Open in Drive or copy to your Drive – Download folder or play from Drive – Step PDF also.]

Knowledge is with me. Where am I? Step 2

x2 Step 2 - Knowledge is with me. Where am I?
KNOWLEDGE IS WITH YOU, COMPLETELY, but it resides in a part of your mind to which you have not yet gained access. Knowledge represents your True Self, your True Mind and your true relationships in the universe. It also possesses your greater calling in the world and a perfect utilization of your nature, all of your inherent abilities and skills, even your limitations—all to be given for good in the world.

KNOWLEDGE IS WITH YOU, BUT WHERE ARE YOU? Today think about where you are. If you are not with Knowledge, where are you? Therefore, three times today, 10 minutes each, think about where you are, not just physically or geographically, but where you are in terms of your awareness of yourself in the world. Think very, very carefully. Do not allow your mind to distract you from this orientation. It is essential now at the beginning of your preparation to ask these questions very seriously.

PRACTICE 2: Three 10-minute practice periods.

Pictures: The Ephrata Cloister or Ephrata Community was a religious community, established in 1732 by Johann Conrad Beissel at Ephrata, in what is now Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The first year picture is of being in the Beissel house; year two we've moved outside and see the grounds of our community.  November 5, 2010

Greetings All – 

Steps to Knowledge, first time, ended July 16, 2000. Several start dates for the second time were considered. I began again a month later on August 19, 2000. I’ve not had a chance to read that month of journal entries. To keep up with the Steps I am going with the journal entries from that day.

Quite a difference compared to the first time doing Step 1. I expect that the entries for this period go deeper. The purpose again is to provide some benchmark with one person’s journey.

What I’m recording is my thinking process, which I’d understood since a reading in 1989, included guides who I worked with as a group. Learning to listen and record, as well as have conversations was beneficial. Often when reviewing my journal I found interesting passages that were not written from my current knowledge or understanding.

If you’ve read much of the first year journal entries, you know I’m working out “regional cooperation” to a degree that few have considered. This remains one of my projects. If you need to, you can scan through those parts or skip over. 

From the journal: Step 1 – I am without Knowledge now.

7:10 a.m. August 19, 2000

It's a regional world after all. Building regional community. Community precedes cooperation. Building regional community on a local planet – (T-om Su-ne thesis)'s – Tribes localize, to overcome the visual limits of a land-based life form, remote viewing must be developed so that they may see themselves in a broader context. Initially – the greatest fear may be/will be each other.

Scarcity will create fear – sharing must be learned. Superstition will separate and limit. Science is never done. Explanations are never complete.

Regional Intelligence: Building Regional Communities on a Local Planet.

Sub planet localities created for governance resemble tribal territories circumscribed by law.

These relationships must be known in order to create alignment for efficiency.

You can't do it all individually/locally – must use more of the planet, have broader relationships –

Scarcity is not the only reason to husband resources. All water and land-use should take such a view.

– Needed: Regional Community Building Practices – ref GCS p114

The region is a geo-framework for niche communities. How do we find our peers – our flock? Birds of a feather
Learning planet – mistakes tolerated, because they can/do lead to learning, Knowledge, wisdom.

Growth – are you planting kudzu or oak trees?

12:50 p.m. The prize in the Universe says GCS is "Knowledge and Wisdom." Those are my goals. I can't get there alone. My assumption is those are the goals of my Spiritual Family and that we've been at it a while. Where and how I fit in the world is not clear.

It is time to start Steps again. If I keep the daily pace – I'll be done next August. This may not be possible – so the minimum is October 16 – age 55.

12:56 p.m. #1 I am without Knowledge now. What is "Knowledge" really?

10 minutes – In S2K Knowledge is Holy Spirit. From a practical point, it's not simply something to have, but represents an ability to do. In GCS it is the connection through Holy Spirit to God. Knowledge is the intermediary. It is personal to me/each – retained in our being.

7:27 p.m. At work. It is quiet – still. ---

My life is primarily mental. Where are my destined partners? ---

9:40 p.m. What is knowledge really? #3

I wish to know who and what I am, where I've come from, where I might be going – who are my friends along the way? How must I act to preserve my fragile life – at risk in the world. How can I be truly helpful to my children and family. Knowledge is that which would make me comfortable in the world –

I have comfortable places, but they aren't shared with people often – alone I can be peaceful anywhere.

I see too much – so I make others uncomfortable. Still – I'm very limited and often fearful. My pillars aren't as strong as I should have made them. Too interested in the other side-search. I also had my real work – Regional Cooperation – and went to GCW for tools – but found a teacher – which I've never had before, at least consciously.

Going deeper the second time. Much further to go. Let us continue.


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