Thursday, August 27, 2015

x2 Step 239 - Freedom is mine today. – Journal – Step 238

Today:  Step 239 - Freedom is mine today. (MP3) 

Step 239 - Freedom is mine today. 

FREEDOM IS YOURS WHO LIVE WITH KNOWLEDGE. Freedom is yours who need not burden yourself with the undue strain of unnecessary thinking and speculation. Freedom is yours who can dedicate yourself to your one purpose and to your specific tasks that emanate from this purpose. What greater freedom is there than the freedom to utilize your Knowledge and to fulfill its destiny in the world? Nothing else can be called freedom, for anything else is merely the freedom to be in chaos and to degenerate into misery.

YOU ARE FREE THIS DAY TO ALLOW KNOWLEDGE to abide with you. This day in your hourly practice and in your two deeper meditations, remember that you are free. When you have the freedom to be with Knowledge in your two meditation periods, allow yourself to enter stillness and let not any feeling, idea or thought dissuade you from experiencing the great freedom that you have to escape from the world into Knowledge.

THESE PRACTICE TIMES ARE SO IMPORTANT for your overall wellbeing. The result of this involvement will give you greater access to Knowledge in all of your outward endeavors as you learn to abide in peace with Knowledge and as you learn to follow Knowledge as it exercises its  Wisdom in the world. You are free this day to be with Knowledge, for this day you are free.

PRACTICE 239: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

First, review points from the note cards:

225 – “A mind that is serious in its outward direction and lighthearted in its internal delight will be a mind that is fully integrated. This will be a mind where Heaven and Earth touch”.

226 – K is with you and when you are w/K you will not be afraid.

227 – “In time, you will realize the distinction between the true and the false and will not be deceived by the pretense the false can make in its imitation of the true.”

228 – “I will not be poor today”. “You are greater than the errors that you perceive, and they cannot deceive you if you look at them objectively”.

229 – “I will not blame another for my pain”. “Without condemnation, the world is so relieved that it can begin to recover itself”.

230 – “When you realize that you are confused, then you can claim the means to regain your certainty”.

231 – “Your purpose in this world is to reclaim your Knowledge and to allow your Knowledge to express itself”. “… you are made specifically for something that you have not yet comprehended”.

232 – “You proceed by giving yourself to your preparation. The power of doing this will strengthen those with whom you will be engaged in your life’s calling”.

233 – You are part of a Greater Force for good, for this force is joined and directed by K. K here is beyond what any individual can own. Therefore, there is no “your” knowledge and “my” knowledge; there is only KNOWLEDGE. There is only your interpretation and my interpretation, and in this there can be discrepancies, but K is K. It leads people together; it takes people apart. If it is truly comprehended from stillness and objectivity, its true direction can be discerned and followed.

234 – … K can permeate even the smallest word and the tiniest gesture. Thus, they too can have the greatest impact upon others. The power of K within one individual is to activate the power of K in other individuals and thus stimulate and support the regeneration of life within minds that are living in separate fantasies. – “Do not think you know. … the opportunity for self-deception is still with you because you have not yet been willing to face yourself completely, fearing that what you would find would discourage or destroy you. Yet, when you face yourself completely, all you will find is Knowledge”.

235 – “… each day you must practice because of the desire for Knowledge, and each practice develops your capability to experience Knowledge”.

236 – With K you will know what to do… Here you must be prepared to act and act boldly. … Do not make small attempts at resolving your problems, for w/o K your attempts will be meaningless and will compound your frustration.If Knowledge is still, you may be still as well.

237 – …your intellect can be used to deal with the physical necessities of your life, the particulars of your life and the mechanism of your life, for this is the application of the intellect. Yet, the greatness of K provides purpose, meaning and direction, which the intellect can never provide. Therefore, the intellect is a faculty that has a true function here, for it serves the greatness of K – there is no event or interaction which Knowledge cannot bless and harmonize..

238 – Review – invocation “I am sent into the world to serve my Spiritual Family which serves this world and all worlds in the physical universe. I am part of a Greater Force for good, and I am a beginning student of Knowledge. I am grateful for the gift that has been given, which I am now beginning to comprehend. In complete faithfulness and devotion, I will continue my practice today so that I may appreciate the value of my own life.”

From the journal:

April 14, 2001

7:30 a.m. A sunny Saturday seeking to reduce externals. I guess music/TV distractions take away. I used to do it some to distract my brain. Too much would come through. Now I'll just let what comes – come and not hold back. On the radio – the Peoples' Pharmacy, now The Peoples' Regional Community.

Regional Communities –

10:29 a.m. Vibration – stopping along Route 17 @ Geico – rear tire.

I've not been using my intellect very well – to manage my life in the world – dream – the happy dream – it's not too late recovering from "spiritual welfare".

3:42 p.m. At A.R.E. For Step 238 – Review

4:58 p.m. As I review my practice, I see/feel the LFPDC fading from me – I need it less – I've learned and set up what I could. It is prologue to RI.

8:41 p.m. At Penny Sisson's – Did my review at A.R.E. – but not review of daily entries for the past two weeks. I went out shopping – ended up at Janaf Shopping Center – across from where I lived in 1970. The shoppers were mostly black. A different people culturally – hard to accept my reactions – more caution… normal I suppose, but a barrier to unity –? Diversity/must be accepted… it will take the external. Is S2K real or an attempt to push unity? Alien presence could not be faked…

9:24 p.m. Beginning review of past two weeks of the journal. As usual, there is plenty there – the muse comes through often – a working family in spirit I serve… and am open. I could work with a state agency like VDOT – it gets complex, but the planning framework has to be changed – it costs the earth a lot for Americans to live as they do.

Web publishing – content – on my site…

> we are gestating something big. It seems right at this moment (bourbon influenced) to say "we" henceforth – rather than I.

The optimism of the early days of the web and website development is evident. Travel stimulates thinking. Let us continue.

Note: If you’ve some interest due to this or other Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. You can use the posts on this blog as a companion if it helps. They will remain in order in the archives - one post per Step.

Often it takes 18 months to get through the Steps once. For this blog, the pace is one-a-day, but it really makes no difference how fast you do it, only that you begin, persist and repeat. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.

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